One of the best relaxation and thought-stopping techniques I’ve found – which also is an excellent way to relieve anxiety, reduce repetitive negative thoughts and help you fall asleep – is a simple process that combines deep breathing with counting.
I’ll explain why it works later, but first let me tell you how easy it is to do.
To begin, inhale deeply while counting to four. Hold your breath to the count of four. Now, exhale to the count of eight. Simple, right?
Do this 4-4-8 cycle four times and you’ll be amazed at how effective it is both physically and emotionally.
The reason this technique is so successful is twofold:
First, when we’re worried or stressed out, our natural tendency is to breathe shallowly and even hold our breath. As a result, the oxygen going to our brain decreases. Without oxygen, our brain becomes more anxious and panicky. Before long, we’re focused entirely on fear and negativity.
Deep breathing reverses this pattern. It sends more oxygen to the brain, which calms the body’s automatic fight-or-flight response to anything we perceive as physically or emotionally harmful.
Most deep-breathing advice that I’ve seen, however, recommends inhaling to the count of a certain number (e.g., four or five) and then exhaling to the same number. The problem with this, at least for me, is that my mind quickly loses focus and wanders back to the thoughts that caused the distress I began with.
This brings me to the second reason the 4-4-8 pattern is so useful.
When you mix up the count, your mind stays focused on inhaling, holding and exhaling your breath. You remain in the “now” that meditators speak about. You may still have the scary or negative thoughts, but they’re on the outskirts of your awareness, where they’re less threatening and less important.
Four deep breaths take just 64 seconds.
And that’s all you need to notice positive results.
Personally, I’ve used the 4-4-8 deep breathing technique on turbulent airplanes, when I’m trying to fall asleep and can’t get a song lyric out of my head, and right before (and sometimes during!) a difficult conversation with a loved one.
Give 4-4-8 deep breathing a try and see if you notice similar effects.
If you’ve experienced anxiety and negativity for many months or years, however, this simple technique most likely won’t be enough. Panic attacks, obsessive thoughts, unrelenting worries and persistent low self-esteem can take over your life and destroy your happiness.
The bottom line is this:
Relaxation techniques work great for many situations. For serious and longer-term problems, you may need professional help. The good news is that therapy is especially helpful in combatting these issues.
As your therapist, I can help you identify – and resolve – the root causes of your anxiety, fearfulness and negativity; respond to situations with more confidence; and develop effective coping, relaxation and problem-solving skills.
Give me a call at 720.837.3466 or fill out the contact form on this page, and let’s get started.
Don’t wait another day. It’s your turn now. It’s time to heal.