Take a deep breath. Read the rest of this sentence. Notice the computer screen in front of you (or feel the cell phone or tablet in your hand).

There. Even if you can think of nothing else, you have three things to be thankful about: You’re alive, you’re educated and you have access to technology more powerful than the computers that landed astronauts on the moon.

You’re also training your brain to work in a new way.

Being optimistic and upbeat doesn’t come naturally to most of us. (See Positive People Aren’t Normal.)

That’s why, if we want to let go of what can become a destructive pattern of anger, resentment, sadness and negativity, we need to expand our awareness of the good things in life.

One amazingly simple technique that can be extraordinarily transformative is to write down three things a day that you’re thankful for or look forward to. I’m talking about words and phrases – not sentences or paragraphs. And for you over-achievers out there, I’m talking about THREE things, not 18 or 40.

What should you include on your list?

Getting promoted at work or winning the lottery certainly would qualify.

The key, though, is to notice the smaller things in life – a shorter-than-average commute to work, a beautiful sunset, a phone call from a friend, petting your dog, a good night’s sleep, watching your favorite TV show, plans for the weekend.

Don’t worry if it’s hard at first to think of three things every day. You’re learning a new skill. It’s OK to write some of the same things down more than once.

Within a week, listing three items will be easier. Before long, you’ll notice positive things throughout your day to write down. Sooner than you think, you’ll experience life in an entirely new way.

I’m not asking you to put your head in the sand.

Identifying the good in your life doesn’t mean you have to deny, ignore or minimize the bad. There certainly are more than enough negative things going on in the world that demand and deserve your attention.

Instead, I’m suggesting that you simply recognize that the positive exists beside the negative even when it’s harder to see.

I personally kept a gratitude journal for an entire year, and it completely transformed my life. I can guarantee that you’ll notice positive shifts in your life, too, even if you keep a journal for a much shorter period.

The bottom line is this:

Life is a combination of light and dark. When we focus exclusively on the dark, we can get lost in sadness, anger and regret.

As your therapist, I can help you deal with and resolve the troubling aspects of your life. I’ll also help you identify and appreciate elements of your life – and of yourself – that can support you on your quest for fulfillment, healing and happiness.

Give me a call at 720.837.3466 or fill out the contact form on this page, and let’s get started.

Don’t wait another day. It’s your turn now. It’s time to heal.