by Martin Dee | Anger management, Communication, Life skills, Relationships
Two of the most powerful words in the English language are and and but. In a split second, the word but can demolish our most loving thoughts, kindest words and best intentions. For example: “I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone else in my entire life, but …”...
by Martin Dee | Anger management, Communication, Relationships
Many of my clients come to therapy with an “anger problem.” They believe that anger is bad, that it has no place in relationships, and that “controlling” anger means to eliminate it. It’s true that explosive anger can demolish a relationship. Over time, verbal...
by Martin Dee | Communication, Relationships
We can learn amazing lessons about successful relationships from animal trainers. I’m not talking about getting a monkey to dance around in a tutu. Sure, that’s amusing, but teaching a killer whale to jump 25 feet out of the water with a trainer on its nose is...
by Martin Dee | Anger management, Communication, Relationships
Whoever came up with the saying “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me” must have been living on a different planet than the rest of us. It’s true that sticks and stones can cause quite a bit of damage. They certainly should be avoided. But...